Friday, February 6, 2009

Why Y ?

Why Y ?

I have to confess the letter was one of my choosing and not appointed but my friend supported me in a little "mangling" of the rules (her letter is M)

Firstly and lastly because my names begin and end with Y and I love the swirls and whirls I can make with this letter when signing papers, letters, cards or documents.

Y is versatile which is a quality I admire and aspire to.

It is a semi vowel.
At the start of a word
At the end of a word
It presents varied sounds

Y shows some degree
chilly, sleepy, dopey, summery.
Y shows cuteness
Kitty, Doggy, Sweety.

It is a history major.
It started out with the Phoenicians when they began using graphic signs to represent speech sounds.
It travelled through epochs of time adapting to the imposing of Greek, Roman, Medieval and finally modern requirements.

It is the penultimate letter of the alphabet so it is good to know you are not actually the last one!


Youth & Age

Much did I rage when young

Being by the world oppressed

But now with flattering tongue

It speeds the parting guest.


The only colour I cannot wear and yet I love yellow flowers.

Especially yellow roses but also

Daffodils/Freesias/Tulips even Sunflowers

Lost In Yonkers..........

Where does that name come from? Never been, would like to visit and Oh dear sweet naive Bella yearning for something and someone.

Yodel..... not because I am able or care to learn but I adore that song from the Sound Of Music Yodel Lay Heeee, Yodel Lahee, Yodel Yo. Sing along with me you know you want to

High on a hill stood a lonely goat herd.......

Yardarm..... not because I am found of yachts or sailing but I rather like that quaint expression "The sun is past the yard arm" ~ Meaning it is late enough in the day for one to partake of a G & T my fave tipple.

YUCKY Words ( in my lexicon anyway)

Yeast...the hoppy smell does not appeal

Yo yo .. never could master those things as a child

Yikes.. who uses this word ( Nancy Drew? Batman and Robin from days of yore?)

Yap... sound of a voice jabbering on too long


At Texas expression I have come to enjoy using but only in the right setting and company!


A tranquil park with wonderful views and a feeling of being at one with nature.


Not because I want to live in the past, just to revisit it now and again would be sufficient.


Beatles song with a melancholy melody.


I am finished I yield to others.


Bee said...

So much silliness in Y! Or should I say sillyness?

I love the smell of yeast . . . but let's face it, the word has negative ocnnotations, too.

Great work with Y, Y.

Bon Bon said...

I think it is the word assocaition that puts me off yeast.
Yet to mention yoghurt, yeoman,yak,yashmak and yelp!