Sunday, February 8, 2009

Back in Breckenridge

After reading so much about the snow in the UK I was ready to see the sparkle of snow flakes and feel the softness under foot and put my new alpaca accessories to the test.
Breckenridge does not disappoint. It has a very cute old town complete with sparkling fairy lights, sleigh rides, 19th century buildings housing stores that provide everything Nordic/Patagonian/South Western/Antique/Cute and Edible. Such is the character and ambiance of Main St I fully expect the March sisters to come tripping along in their hooped skirts and mufflers in search of gifts for Marmie!
I am not skiing because of foot problems yet I feel as warn out as everyone else who is skiing
I am up first every day to prepare hearty, breakfast victuals and nourishing packed lunches. 
The most challenging part of my day is to cajole the chicas in to leaving the warm haven of their beds to get kitted out in  several layers of ski wear.
I then have to help load up the car and drive them right up to the ski lift assisting with skis, poles, gloves, the placement of pony tails so hat and goggles do not shift and the zipping of other garments. 
 The performance to get the car in and out of the garage is mindful of a bloody Mission Impossible scenario. The only thing likely to self destruct is ME.
After hitting the code in several times with no success I have to remove my gloves. The keypad is so pernickity and will only allow access if the numbers are pushed with correct force, meantime the snow is falling down the back of my neck and my fingers are numb.
It has to have been a  man with a warped sense of humour who designed the building. The garage is so narrow there is barely an inch either side of the car to manoeuvre it in. Our neighbours with trucks and suburbans have to leave their cars out to collect snow. Great fun to defrost when the snow has been falling all night. To get the car in and out I have to tuck in the wing mirrors, suck in my breath and cross my fingers. There are no door clickers so there is a lot of getting in and out of the car. Which brings me to my main point about skiing holidays it seems to be too much effort and expending of energy. The chicas say holiday is a misnomer. Once they get through the palaver of dressing and adjusting  and make it on to the slopes they do seem to enjoy themselves but like their mother need  constant coffee or cocoa stops. I am a fair weather skier and more of a cappuccino queen than slalom queen.

One Big advantage after our trip to Cusco the altitude here presents no problem! 

Mixed reviews from chicas.
Chica 1: 
Fighting jet lag she is a trooper ready for the slopes with no complaints.
Happy now she is the proud owner of Ugg Boots.
First up every morning which is more to do with jet lag than enthusiasm.
Loves shopping up at the Outlet Mall
Chica 2:
Will ski anywhere and jump anything. 
Happy to stop hourly for cocoa and candy breaks.
Needs most layers as most likely to get cold.
Loves shopping at the Outlet Mall
Chica 3: 
According to her All ski instructors are evil (not so she just resents being told what to do) 
Happiest when sipping cups of cocoa over laden with mini Marshmallows.
Needs toe warmers as only her body stays warm not her extremities.
Loves Shopping at the Outlet Mall.

G.Cracker is trying to stay sane and keep his temper amongst all these females. In his quest to keep us all happy and warm he laid the ski boot inserts too close to the fire and they melted! Could this explain why no one can ski straight?
Has yet to make it to the Outlet Malls.
Gets 10 out of 10 for perseverance and persistence. A saner man would give up on us and go skiing with his buddies!


Bee said...

Somehow I missed this . . . just tuning in. I assume that you have now mastered all of the routines - plus keypad? We are leaving for Canada tomorrow, and I am packing up the ski stuff (more or less) as we speak.

Nice pictures! (Apres ski is really the best part.)

Bon Bon said...

Good luck with skiing in Cold Canada. The sun is now out here and it all looks beautiful. Can't say I have missed the skiing at all.
S lost my camera yesterday and as luck would have it we found it hours later. Need to post some more pics.
Have fun with the girls skiing.