Friday, January 30, 2009

Summer Holidays

As the chicas summer holidays segue in to February my joy of lazy summer days is waning. I think we are all ready for a change in temperature and scenery.

Everyone seems to be surfing and going to the beach. I like it as much as the next person but I hate the fighting for a parking spot and sitting on pebbles. Sand can be found further along the coast but there is limited space as all the surf schools are out in force.

My job this week was to snaps photos and take action videos of chica 2 hitting the waves. Easier said than done. Over 20 kids all in black wet suits, horizontal and a mile from shore they start to look a lot alike (mini seal lions). The camcorder tends to focus on incoming breakers and not the tiny blob bobbing on the cusp of the Big Kahuna! Well that's my story and I am sticking to it. I do not claim to be an expert.

I am rather impressed with chica 2 as it is hard work out there lots of paddling for the odd moment of Yipee. Still she tells me it's worth it.

We leave for Colorado soon and trying on ski clothing in the humidity isn't much fun. The only thing that keeps us going is the thought of being cooler.

This week all forms of media were head lining the "Big Brit Chill" and Snowfall. I spoke to Chica 1 and she was ecstatic about a day of missed school and snowball fights on the lawn. Seems even teenagers are not too old to play in the snow. So as we dream up images of snowflakes, sleigh rides and Starbucks Cocoa I am sure all those affected by the Big Chill are dreaming of summer.


Bee said...

Thanks for including the picture of the girls in their wetsuits. They look adorable.

It is very difficult to imagine you in summer, with us buried in winter. Snow, and more snow here. The kids think they have died and gone to heaven - and there is still half-term to enjoy! Our blood is half-chocolate at the moment.

Bon Bon said...

I think the reality of snow will be rather a cold shock to the system with much thickening of the blood to be done. Chocolate sounds like a splendid idea.

I think Chica 2 looks too cute. Watching them run like young fillies in their warm up brings a smile to my face. The smiles on their faces are becuse all the surfer dudes have canny 6 packs! LOL