Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Familia Cocina

With the chicas on summer break and me supposed to be resting my left foot I decided to implement a new kitchen regime to help take the weight off my feet and redistribute the work load. The chicas had no available excuses they invariably resort to one of the following;

I need to do my homework. ( Really ?)

It's the last episode of Top Model. ( Not the sort of show I approve of)

The Cat's need feeding ( Don't you mean cleaning?).

The normal routine is I cook/tidy/clean.

They eat/complain, (occasionally compliment) then scatter.

So with all those new cook books I got as Christmas presents I decided I should avail myself of the delicious sounding recipes. Having been absent from the kitchen for some weeks I think we were all searching for a little inspiration and variety.

Reading Ministry of Food and Jamie's Italy brought forth visions of happy families around the kitchen table, peeling organic produce, laughing, experimenting and cooking together. I must be high on oven cleaner fumes as it did not play out quite as planned but did give forth some surprises.

Teenagers are capable of reading a menu even if it isn't formatted a la Facebook.

The recipes are easy to prepare.

Need to train chicas in the art of " clean as you go"

All meat tastes better when it is marinated.

Mangoes are more versatile than one would think.

Cooking con familia does provoke conversation and bonhomie.

There are plenty of leftovers for lunch the next day.

I need to train G. Cracker to read a recipe. That way when I am out of town he too can cook with his chicas.


Bee said...

So did you direct the cooking from your chair? What was the best thing you've tried from the Jamie in Italy book?

Bon Bon said...

Yes I sit at the table or stand at the sink with left leg blanced on a chair. I think this is giving me a back ache!

I like Jamie's Risotto with truffle oil I bought on our trip to Umbria.
Tuscan Salad

His Ministry of Food has easy recipes and I can't stop making mango salsa and tomatoes in balsamic & capers. Eats like eating Jam it is so sweet and goes great with all grilled meats and fish.