My very shiny and dazzling Mother's Day gift. I adore it and have never felt so glamarous as when I wear it.
Many were impressed with hubby and daughters choice. Without stealing their glory let's just say I did a little window shopping myself beforehand!
Mother's Day was a very subdued and relaxing day mainly because I had been in bed most of the weekend with a migraine.
As we sat at lunch we started reminiscing of Mother's Days past. I had the girls laughing with my horror tails of gifts I had bought for my own Mother. The most gaudy one I recall was a vivid blue, cheap, glass, vase bedazzled with gold roses I bought it with my pocket money. I remember dragging my siblings around the shops and insisting as eldest I had final say and it had to be this bright and bold recepticle. Credit to you mum you used it and kept it for years.
Another bad buy were the bath cubes scented in sweet almond from the local chemist. The ones that leave a chalk like residue in the bath and do a grand job of exfoliating your derriere when you sit down in the tub. Great for removing scale from the enamel of old bath tubs!
Then came the memories of all those sweet little projects lovingly crafted at school by my own chicas little hands. I have saved some but others disintergrated over the years with moving from tropical humidity to frosty winters.
I suppose the point I am getting too is that as I get older the gifts become more of a personal choice and less of a spontanious purchase from my off spring. Books are usually top of my list of things I would like and as the girls would tell you; anything silver, anything from Pottery Barn and something a little indulgent!
I am still smiling at Bee's comment on any more bling and I shall take on the moniker of Elizabeth Taylor. Anyone know where I can find an 8 carat diamond for a good price???
Gorgeous necklace!!! And your skin looks lovely, too.
I can't think of a single thing that I got my mother for Mother's Day. (Do you suppose this is why she is bitter?)
Why am I just seeing this post on June 5? When I saw the title, I thought: Oh no, I've forgotten Mother's Day again!
My tardniess in posting is due to a lack of internet. Had to wait weeks for a new router.
Hope I did not send you in to a tiz thinking you owed your mother a gift!
I am sure you have provided many a pleasurable gift to her over the years.
Tha blue and gold vase was around long enough for me to see that look flit across eyes sand eventually figure out the faux pas I had made in purchasing it!
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